The author is able to withdraw the paper before publishing only if the paper contains serious scientific or methodological errors, or if they have mistakenly submitted the same paper to two different journals. If the author wishes to withdraw the paper, they are required to inform the Editorial Board and offer a detailed explanation for their decision.
Withdrawal of papers after publishing is possible if the paper contains serious scientific and methodological errors that might harm the author’s or journal’s reputation. The author should inform the Editorial Board about their decision. Editorial Board then removes the paper from the journal’s website and publicly announces the withdrawal via the same media. Editorial Board has the right to remove a published paper in the case of discovered plagiarism, if the paper was already published elsewhere, or if it violates the norms of academic ethics in any way. In these cases, the Editorial Board must inform the author of the alleged misconduct and ask for their explanation, and the final decision will be made after the author’s reply. All withdrawals will be publicly announced on the journal’s website.
The authors have the right to correct published papers only if they have made unintentional scientific and methodological errors. In that case, the Editorial Board will allow corrections to published text or an addition (addendum) that will be published on the journal’s website. Unnecessary interventions that are not corrections of serious scientific and methodological errors, which require pointless waste of time and resources, are not allowed; if an author is dissatisfied with their own paper, the Editorial Board advises them to simply withdraw the paper. The Editorial Board also advises the authors to carefully review their papers before submitting them in order to avoid subsequent corrections. Notifications about all necessary corrections will be published on the journal’s website.